Writing is Hard

Stop laughing! Seriously. I’ve been working on a little novel for a long time now, but I’d run into a roadblock and I didn’t know whether to go over it, around it, tunnel under it, or trash it.

Yesterday morning while the technician was fumfering around with our sick air conditioning unit I had a nudge of inspiration and opened up the dormant manuscript on the computer. Since the story had been abandoned for such a long time I settled in and read it from the beginning. And I have to say I really like it. The characters feel like old friends and the part that once seemed like a major roadblock now feels more right.

You know how when you put on makeup in the morning and at first you aren’t crazy about the way it looks, but if you step away from the mirror for a few minutes and come back to your reflection you look great? No? Well, that happens to me all the time. And that’s exactly how I felt about the perceived roadblock. It now sounded appropriate.

When I got to the place where I’d left off in March I had to figure out how to nudge my characters forward. Now, this might come as a surprise to you, but my characters really like to talk. Several times I’ve had to call a halt to their conversations for the sake of action. I remind them that this isn’t Waiting for Godot. Lazy bums.

I think I’ve accomplished that now. Stuff is happening. People are moving. Jugglers are juggling. Seriously. Now I just need to tie all my loose ends together and complete this thing. For the first time I can actually see a finish line.

Okay, characters, break’s over. Quit talking and follow my lead. The checkered flag is in sight. Maybe I’ve got this. Maybe not. We’ll keep chugging along and hope for the best.

Peace, people.

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

30 thoughts on “Writing is Hard”

  1. I just read this. Glad you’re story is on the road again. I hadn’t had any conversation with you in a while so I was hoping they were up & moving. Congrats on blowing off the dust and I look forward to reading it when it is finished. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. For me, writing comes in spurts, and I had to learn that about me. Some people can write every day, I don’t , at least not on the same project. I blog a little, FB a little , songs a little , and lines or titles….a lot. I am not making it another job or stress factory….it is enjoyable …or fuck it. I can’t imagine writing a novel, but I would think time away….drives in the car, new locales….would really help replenish the creative perspective…….go get em Leslie !

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I hope you think more on others reading the finished story… I would read it! I am greatly appreciative of anyone who can devote time and energy to writing anything more than a blog post. Why do I think you might have some humor in your story?? Or is it reflective of your dark side… hmmm. Yes, I think you need some readers 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well, maybe that will happen! I’m such an idiot about anything connected to publishing. It’ll be a good thing just to finish the book. One step at a time. 😊 Thanks for you boost of confidence!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I find time breaks on lengthy writing projects do mean I come back with perspectives I didn’t have before. I say, go for it! As for the thought of someone actually reading what I wrote, that idea freaks me out too!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Good for you, Leslie. I love how you talk to your characters. You have inspired me. I started a novel when I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2017. I got the 50,000 words but didn’t finish the story. I found that at about 20,000 words I completely stopped because I didn’t like the story at all – BORING! Then a few days later I was struck with inspiration and took a turn in the plot I really enjoyed reading. You know that old saying, “Write the book you want to read.” It is great that you like your characters – and the plot. That will come in handy in the many times you will read it during the revision processes. Good for you. Are you going to put that good looking repair man in your story? This time with clean shoes!?!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I hesitated to call it a block, but I guess that’s apt. One of my author heroes kind of gave me a kick in the pants a few days ago and then I read a book by a blogging friend. I’ve had lots of inspiration lately.

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  6. “…The characters feel like old friends…” This kind of made the light go on for me! I have a completed manuscript (Glencara’s Bane) that needs editing (too long to begin with, 90,000 words), and it’s pretty good. But when I open it to work on it, it feels like a stranger to me. On the other hand, I have a second one that’s about half-way there (Sea Jade), and when I get it out to work on it I fall in love with the characters all over again because they DO feel like old friends. I need to ponder on that comment for a while. Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yay! I think we have to have that connection, otherwise how can we expect anyone else to? I got to hear Louise Penny speak (she’s written such a wonderful series) and she told us how disappointed she’d been when her first novel had been made into a movie for which she hadn’t written the screenplay. She said she’d let her characters down, and they were her friends. Almost her children.

      Liked by 1 person

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