Minimalist Challenge, Spicy Day 20

Day 20 is brought to you by spices! All 20 of these spices expired ages ago. Some as far back as 2015!

At least three of the jars pictured above contain sage. I use sage once or twice a year to season the cornbread dressing that serves as a staple of our holiday meals. Every year I purchase a new container of sage, using perhaps two or three tablespoons for the recipe. So these expired containers were practically full. What a waste, but dressing without sage is blah fare, indeed.

On the plus side, I just opened up a big space in my spice cabinet!

Peace, people!

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

21 thoughts on “Minimalist Challenge, Spicy Day 20”

    1. Thanks, Emma. This challenge has been something I’ve needed for a long time. And doing a little bit every day has simplified the process. The best part, though, is that since starting it I haven’t bought anything (other than my motorcycle) that is merely a “want”. I’ve been tempted but I look at stuff more critically. So far, so good.


  1. Right…okay….. Is this why all the contents of my herb cupboard land on top of the kitchen worksurface every time I open the door? I never thought I was guilty of hoarding. Ahem. Sage? I do use Sage. I use it every other week to make Chicken Schnitzel.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Whatever kind of vinegar the recipe required, I bought it, and like your sage, used it only once or twice. When we got together again and moved to our own home, Jackie chucked all my vinegars away. A bit harsh, I thought 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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