One Lovely Blog

My friend Mitch at, authors a powerful, inspiring, often magical blog, The Power of Story. I’m a big Mitch fan, so imagine my delight to learn he’d nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you, Mitch. 

I confess I don’t often accept awards on WordPress, not because I’m not honored, but because I am just horrible at linking others’ blogs to mine. It’s an age thing. 

When I was a kid a link was one part of a chain and not some futuristic doohickey meant to convey one through space and time to another website. And a website had more to do with a spider….but I digress.

Part of accepting an award is following instructions. Let’s see how well I do, shall we?

1. Thank the person who nominated me and include a link to their blog. (check)

2. List the rules and display the award. (So far, so good)

3. Add 7 facts about me. (Seven seems reasonable, but honestly I could go on and on.)

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers. (Wish me luck on the linkage part!)

5. Leave a comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated (Alrighty then! Again, wish me luck.)

7 Facts About Me:

1. I’m a lousy cook. My entire repertoire  consists of dishes that can be made in the crockpot using five ingredients or fewer. Sometimes I still mess up.

2. As a child I was a compulsive liar. The facts were never quite exciting enough, so I was forever making stuff up. Kind of like I do now.

3. I ride a motorcycle, and took a solo journey from central Illinois to Dallas, Texas, to celebrate turning 50. I’ll be 60 in October and need a way to top that trip. Suggestions?

4. I’m a native Texan, having been born in Buddy Holly’s hometown of Lubbock. I grew up in Floydada, Texas, home of the Floydada Whirlwinds. I just enjoy saying Floydada. You should, too.

5. My husband, who I affectionately call Studly Doright, was my high school sweetheart. In July we’ll celebrate 40 years of marriage. 

6. I’ve seen Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope over one hundred times. I still fantasize that one day Han Solo will come to propose and we’ll fly away together in the Milennium Falcon. Studly’s given his ok.

7. I’m affectionately known as Nana to five brilliant, beautiful, and spunky grandkids. Best fact ever!

I nominate these fine bloggers to receive The One Lovely Blog Award. Please check them out, send them some love, maybe bake them a muffin.

Sanseilife writes haiku, reflection, and shares her art through her wonderful blog:

The mischievous Anna is a poet and an artist.

Bunkaryudo writes one of the funniest blogs out there. If he doesn’t make you laugh, there’s something seriously wrong with your laugher.

Miss Crumpett focuses on the humorous and often touching antics of the students in her classroom.

Mike Bizeau is a nature photographer who gets me as close to the great outdoors as I’ve ever been without leaving the comfort of my own living room.

Mike Steeden pens the most incredible poetry. He makes me laugh and think simultaneously. The thinking part is the hardest, for me anyway.

My friend and fellow Words With Friends aficionado, Andy Garrabrant, is a poet whose beautiful soul shines through in every piece he writes.

The author of the blog, Windmills of My Mind, writes reflection pieces that’ll make you smile and maybe shed a tear or two.

The blog, A Not So Jaded Life, is a great pick-me-up with timely quotes and stories of every day life.

The Joys of Joel is a poetry blog, and oh so smooth.

One of the loveliest and edgiest blogs I’ve recently discovered is I’m seriously crazy about her poetry.

Laine Ann Jensen writes real from-the-heart romantic poetry on her blog,

If you’re into edgy fashion and photography, I highly recommend that you check out

Jan Wilberg is one of my all time favorites. She’s honest and witty and insightful. Her blog, is a must read.

Rounding off my fifteen is the blog Certainly worth your time, eurobrat is both thoughtful and thought-provoking.

The worst part about these nominations, other than the linking thing, is the number of folks I’ve left off! If I follow you, I do so because you’ve got something important or funny to say or display, like


Oh, and

Ok, I’m not all that good at following directions. So sue me.

Peace, people!

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

22 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog”

      1. That’s funny!but well done! you usually post various times a day, so I always find something to laugh or smile about, or just to enjoy. Thanks for a great list of interesting blogs, I’ll look up the few I’m not familiar with 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations, Leslie, and thank you so much too for the nomination. I’m dead chuffed. 🙂 I’ll be back in tonight once I’ve fed the gang – this is just my coffee break between school and the home shift! I look forward to checking out all the other names here and getting to know a few more peeps.x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my, thank you so much…I am so flattered! I would think I’d be more of a candidate for One Grouchy Blog, but well… And now, let me confess–I’m horrible at posting links too. And embedding images. So you’re not the only one… I semi-accept the nomination and I will try at some point this week or weekend to successfully post a list of links myself :p

    And to add to my confessions, I’m a lousy cook as well. I’m sure if I go on, I’ll be able to think of a multitude of other things I’m inept at, so I’ll just stop right here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely no worries on the acceptance. Once it’s done I’m all proud of myself for figuring out the linking, etc., but while I’m writing it I make really rude noises and I sigh a great deal.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really like fact number five. Of course, I know of Studly through your posts, but I didn’t know he was your childhood sweetheart. That’s wonderful. Incidentally, I also really like the name “Nana” for a grandmother. My mother’s mother (TOP SECRET: my favorite grandparent) was my nana!

    Liked by 1 person

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