Shazam, Shazam

One would think that a movie titled Shazam would make a certain impression upon one’s mind, and if one had paid money to see that movie, the impression would be even deeper.

I knew I’d seen it. It was a fun little movie, but wasn’t something I’d pay money to see again. Studly Doright, though, insisted that he had not seen it, even though I was fairly certain that I hadn’t seen it alone, and kept conjuring up memories from the movie to convince him.

He was adamant, though, and eager to watch Shazam while it was still in the theatre, so being the acquiescent wife I am (stop laughing!), I tagged along with Studly to a 7:15 p.m. showing.

We watched some great trailers for upcoming films. The newest installment in the Men in Black franchise looks good, and there’s one film I have to see when it’s released in August. Titled Blinded by the Light, it tells the story of a young Pakistani man whose life is transformed when a friend introduces him to the music of Bruce Springsteen.

After all the pre-movie material played, we were admonished once again to turn off our cellphones and to refrain from talking. The movie opened with a pre-teen boy riding in the back seat of a car while toying with a Magic 8 Ball. Within five seconds, Studly whispered to me, “Oh, I’ve seen this!”

I just nodded, patted him on the arm, and said, “shhhh!”

Peace, people.

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

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