
No one has ever accused me of being a perfectionist. My mother had perfectionist tendencies and I try so hard to be like her. But even when I believe I’ve dotted every i and crossed every t, a few will rear their undotted and uncrossed heads and I’ll realize I’ve fallen short again.

This is one reason why I’ll never be tempted into a life of crime. I know I’d never be able to pull off the perfect heist. I’d be the thief who’d leave a business card with my name, phone number, and address at the scene of the crime—probably with a map and bright red x to mark the spot. I’d use fingerless gloves and my prints would show up all over the place.

Is there a MasterClass in the art of perfection? if so, I’d likely screw up the instructions. Pour me a beer; I’m feeling inadequate tonight. #Revising

Peace, people.

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

16 thoughts on “Careless”

  1. As a creative type, you are bound to be your harshest critic. When you start feeling that way, remember all you’ve done and realize that it is actually amazing. It is so much more satisfying to focus on that and ignore the giant hole you somehow left in the middle of your project. Wine also helps you overlook those things.


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