Minimalist Challenge, Day 11

Underneath my bathroom sink, tucked inside the cabinet lurked these empty and almost empty containers. A couple of the products still are roughly half full, but I found they didn’t agree with my somewhat sensitive skin. And still I kept them around.

Did I think my skin would miraculously change one morning and I’d cry, “Free at last” whilst drenching myself in the luxury of their scents. After 61 years of dealing with sensitive skin issues I should’ve known better.

Those ten items are going into the shopping bag behind them and then the whole shebang is going into the trash, thus fulfilling the requirements for day 11.

Peace, people!

Author: nananoyz

I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats.

13 thoughts on “Minimalist Challenge, Day 11”

  1. Oh skin care. Mine. I’m sure you’re interested. Two kinds of Jack Black Soap. ( No, not the actor.) And occasionally, Kiehl’s Body Scrub …which they say in quotes, “ It’s A Fatigue Scrubber.” Jack Black be the best.

    And good for you…maintaining and making fun, this exercise in da declutter.

    Liked by 1 person

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